What Is Radon Mitigation All About? A Guide

6 April 2023
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog


Radon is an odorless, colorless gas found in any home. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 1 in 15 homes have radon levels above four picocuries per liter of air — the level that requires action.

If your home tests positive for radon, you may be wondering what can be done to reduce the levels and make your home safe. The answer is radon mitigation. Read on to learn more about this process.

What Does Radon Mitigation Involve?

Radon mitigation is a process that works to reduce the amount of radon gas in your home. This process typically involves installing a vent pipe system that extends from underneath the basement floor up through the roof. The pipe system creates a vacuum-like effect that helps draw out airborne radon particles from the soil beneath your house and safely releases them into the atmosphere outside.

This system type is often called a "sub-slab depressurization system" or an "active soil depressurization system." The components that make up the system can vary but typically include a fan, vent pipe, exterior hood or cap, and monitor.

How Much Does Radon Mitigation Cost?

The average cost of a radon mitigation system installation depends on several factors, including whether or not you need additional exhaust fans or pipes installed as part of the system. Sometimes, additional ductwork may also need to be installed, which adds to the cost.

Note that this initial cost can end up being more cost-effective in the long run when compared to other treatments, such as chemical treatments that require frequent maintenance and upkeep. So while the initial cost can be significant, it's important to consider the potential long-term savings.

Is Radon Mitigation Effective?

Yes! In fact, studies have shown that properly installed radon mitigation systems can reduce indoor levels of radon gas by up to 99%. This is why it's so important to hire a certified professional who can properly install your system and ensure the mitigation is done correctly the first time.

Even if you don't have very high indoor radon levels currently, installing these systems can still help keep your home safe by preventing future increases in indoor radon levels due to environmental changes or other factors.

Radon mitigation effectively reduces indoor levels of this dangerous gas and keeps your family safe from health risks associated with long-term exposure. Mitigation also helps save you money by reducing regular maintenance costs associated with chemical treatments for controlling high levels of indoor air pollution caused by radon gas buildup.

Talk to a radon testing professional for more information about how to ensure your home is safe from radon exposure.